CODESP Update Regarding COVID-19

CODESP Update Regarding COVID-19

First and foremost, our thoughts are with everyone who is being directly affected by this pandemic. Though we all have had our lives changed in some ways, we are especially thinking of those who are ill or have ill family members and wish everyone a speedy recovery. We would also like to express our gratitude to all of our healthcare, front line, and other essential workers and their families during this tumultuous time.

The recruitment and testing landscape of today looks a little different than it did just a few short weeks ago and CODESP is here to help your agency ensure the continuity of your recruitment and selection efforts as best we can. Some ways we can assist during this time include the following, at no extra cost:

-Customized and customer-specific scored Supplemental Application Forms / Training & Experience evaluations. In lieu of a multiple-choice test, some customers may wish to try this enhancement to the application process to help narrow the candidate pool. Additionally, Training & Experience evaluations can be used as an alternate testing component that can be attached to the application or distributed to candidates after they have applied with a deadline for them to return responses. Responses can then be e-mailed to job experts so that they can be scored remotely.

-Customized and customer-specific Situational and Writing Exercises.In lieu of a multiple-choice test, some customers may wish to send customized exercises for their candidates to complete and send back. These can also scored remotely. They would only be used by your agency, to minimize the exposure to multiple candidate groups, across agencies.

-Scored technical Interview Questions. Customers may conduct interviews with candidates remotely via Zoom, Skype, or other remote meeting service. You can even have a staff member conduct the interview and then send the recording to job experts to score! It is our recommendation that the above un-proctored methods be used in conjunction with an interview to not only add another testing component, but also to verify information and confirm that the candidate was the one who truly completed the other test parts.

-Proctored Online Testing. While un-proctored online testing is not available at this time, proctored online testing is available to agencies who wish to still test candidates in person while observing social distancing guidelines. Proctored online testing allows customers to minimize direct contact with candidates and candidate materials as all test results are tabulated automatically and testing stations can be sanitized between uses. If your agency is not currently using our online testing service, please contact us for more information on how to activate the service.

As always, interview questions can be found in our Interview Builder located on the left hand side menu after logging in. For any other customized forms or exercises, please submit a request using the CATS Request Form also conveniently located on the left hand side menu after logging in. Simply type any special requests at the top of the area where you paste your job description.

No matter what testing mechanisms you choose during this time, we encourage all customers to practice safe hygiene practices and take any precautions necessary to mitigate exposure to the COVID-19 virus. We recommend checking the CDC website for any updates on recommendations and adjusting your practices, as needed.

For more information, please visit the link below!

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