CODESP Nominations for 2024 Election - DEADLINE EXTENDED

Join the CODESP Board of Directors! - DEADLINE EXTENDED

**PLEASE NOTE: The deadline to submit nominations has been extended until 5:00 PM on April 12, 2024, in order to ensure we have an appropriate number of nominations to proceed to voting**

Dear CODESP Member Representatives:

Each year the CODESP Nominations and Election Committee contacts all CODESP members to solicit nominations for the CODESP Board of Directors. The board currently consists of ten positions from educational members. One board position is specifically reserved for a community college district member. Community college members may also run in the regular election for one of the other nine positions.

This year we have three board members whose terms will expire June 30, 2024. The three open positions may be filled by a representative from any educational member agency. All positions are elected to three-year terms.

Any member agency representative, preferably working in a management/supervisory position, with responsibilities over classified employee selection may be nominated. All board members must be from a current member agency and have a CODESP Security Agreement on file to remain eligible.

Every elected member brings his or her background along with unique skills and ideas to the CODESP Board of Directors, which helps make CODESP a successful and dynamic consortium. Members of the board help guide CODESP by recommending products and services and approving the budget, policies, and procedures.

Being on the CODESP Board of Directors requires an attendance commitment that can be fulfilled through virtual meetings. Board members do not need to be physically present at the meetings but must be within the jurisdiction of CODESP (the state of California) while attending meetings. Regular meetings are typically scheduled four times per year on Fridays in August, November, February, and May, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Each meeting runs approximately two hours. Transportation to and from the Orange County or Long Beach airports will be provided if a board member from out of the area would like to participate in person at the CODESP offices in Huntington Beach.

If you choose to place your name in nomination or for re-election, you are encouraged to attach an optional candidate statement, which is to be limited to no more than 150 words. All nominations and associated candidate statements must be submitted via e-mail to no later than April 12, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. The e-ballots will be distributed by April 17, 2024 through Survey Monkey.

• Complete the information requested below and insert your candidate statement (no more than 150 words) in the space provided. This statement will be included in the ballot information.
• Save this page and rename the document to: Your Last Name-Nomination
• E-mail your completed nomination form as an attachment to by no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 5, 2024.
• If you do not receive a confirmation within one business day of submitting your nomination, please e-mail both the Election Chair and in order to confirm receipt.

Candidate Information

Yes! I want to help guide the consortium. Please place my name in nomination for election to the CODESP Board of Directors.


Position Title:____________________________


Phone Number:____________________________

E-mail Address:____________________________

Candidate Statement (150 words maximum - Insert the statement below):