Finding the FIT- Defensively - Register at this site

Date and time: 5/1/2019, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Category: WRIPAC to Register
Description:We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Western Region Intergovernmental Personnel Assessment Council (WRIPAC) to bring CODESP customers an exciting opportunity! WRIPAC is conducting a training in Northern California and CODESP customers are eligible to receive a discount on the standard rate! This discount will only apply for the regular rate. Simply use the code “CODESP” when registering for $25 off the registration fee!

Finding the FIT – Defensibly is designed to provide tools for practitioners who are involved with recruitment and selection in the public sector. How to navigate the rules, and policies, develop a robust recruitment and selection plan with the hiring department to Find the FIT - Defensibly.

Topics covered in the course include:
• •The creation of Civil Service and the Merit System, why we do what we do
•The Uniform Guideline of Employee Selection and how they relate to the selection process
•It does not start with the interview - How to identify what you are looking for in the Ideal Candidate
•How to find the Ideal candidate
•Identify the appropriate testing process
•Tools for successful interview planning
•How to interview effectively and find the right FIT for your job
•Using behavior based interview questions
•How to avoid common rating errors
•How to tell a candidate they were not selected

Participants will learn more about why hiring in the public sector differs from the private sector. The class is interactive and participants will participate in group exercises.
Location: Port of Oakland
Address:530 Water Street
Oanland, CA 94607
Contact: Ana Aguilar
(714) 374-8644
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